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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Stupid Trick or Treaters...

Didn't come to my house!! We live in a HUGE apartment complex and we only got ONE SET of trick-or-treaters! What's up with that? We bought lots of candy and we were all set!

I got bored sitting around waiting for the knock on the door that just did not come... so... I went shopping from the comfort of my own couch (Yay e-bay!) I bought some new earrings for me (perhaps for the wedding?... check them out below) and then something for my bridesmaids... which I won't reveal here 'cause at least two of them read this blog! (Sorry guys... you'll just have to wait until AUGUST! haha!)


  1. I am sorry to hear the trick or treaters didn't come last night. :-(
    Those earrings are adorable. And guess just like your bridesmaids we gonna have to wait until August to see the rest of your shopping :-).


  2. OMG, it's so funny...we were totally talking about how there didn't seem to be any trick or treaters this year in neighborhoods that usually have a ton...very very strange. Hmmm....
