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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bye Bye Potty

If you haven't read my proposal story yet, you really need to do so to understand this post. lol

Jacob's parents went out to their beach house on Sunday to do some repairs and updates... one of which was to the replace the toilet. Unbeknown-st to me, Jacob's mom, knowing our story, jokingly asked if he wanted to keep the toilet as a memento. He told her no.

He didn't mention this to me until a couple days later. When he did, I thought of how funny it would be had we saved the toilet seat and made a photo frame from it using a picture of the two of us from that weekend. lol Wouldn't that be a GREAT conversation starter? =) You know... a little something like this:


  1. OMG, that would have been great! I'm sure it would totally confuse people to see a toilet seat framed pic of the two of you on the wall in your house, but still, super cute!

  2. He proposed to me in the bathroom (which is why one would need to read my proposal story to get it! lol) And, side note, he just happened to be kneeling right in front of the toilet when he did it! lol
