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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Great Debate.... Napkins?

Jacob and I went shopping at Ikea today for a new bed frame. He finally got tired enough of the one that we had that he sent me a message work today asking if I wanted to get a new tonight! So... anyway, we're at Ikea walking through the decor section and I see tea lights... 100 for $3... so I bought two packs to go with my newly acquired candle holders (which I also saw... and figured I saved about 50% buying them used from the chick on CL!... I also saw some jars that are a possibility for our unity sand ceremony... I'll have to keep those in mind for later).

Then, on our way up to the checkout after gathering our bed supplies (4 boxes for one bed!) I saw a pack of large dinner sized paper napkins... 100 for $3! The quote we have for 100 linen ones is NINETY DOLLARS!

We are having a low-key, beach wedding with picnic style reception food... can I get away with buying some nice, PAPER napkins???


  1. I think so. They'll fit in with your beach/picnic theme

  2. Yes! No one will even remember the napkins (the food and music--they will remember) but, napkins--nope. Honestly, do you remember napkins from other friends weddings? I don't! Hope that's helpful advice. :)

  3. save the $ and go for IKEA!!! I'm so glad I have 2 close to me because that store is amazing. People are going to be wiping their hands and mouths on them and then throwing them away. I say $3 is worth that. NOT $90.

  4. Ikea is the BEST for cheap things like napkins and straws, etc! I say go for it!

  5. I originally planned on stamping my paper napkins to spice them up a bit, but I ended up wrapping them around the silverware and stamping a paper napking rings I made.
