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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Week Thus Far...

This is not wedding related at all, but I just want to vent about the last couple days that I've had.

For the last week or so my contact lens have been giving me issues. I wear gas permeable lenses, so they aren't disposable. I've had my current pair for about two years now. I figured that, because of this, maybe they needed to be replaced. As of two days ago, they drive me SOO crazy that I am no longer able to even wear them... therefore I set out to order some new ones.

I went to Costco yesterday since that's where I got my last set, and asked for a reorder. Apparently, because it's been over a year I need to get a new exam. *sigh* I do not have health insurance that covers vision, therefore I need to pay for this out of my own pocket. It's not an incredibly expensive purchase (a little over $200 for exam and lenses) and it is something that NEEDS to be done, but I SOOO don't want to be spending my money on things like this right now. Nor do I want to wear my glasses for the next week and a half until I get an appointment and get my lenses ordered. I hate how I look in glasses... bah.

Next topic... lol... on Monday I took the train to work as usual. And, as usual I have to walk about 10-15 minutes on each end of the train ride. When I left my house in the morning it was overcast, but not yet raining. But the time I started my trek to work from the train, it was POURING! I brought an umbrella, so I was covered in that sense, however the torrential downpour created HUGE puddles... for which I was not wearing rain boots. AND the wind was blowing pretty strong directly into my face. So, by the time I got to work, the front of my pants and my shoes and socks were SOPPING wet. The pants I wasn't so concerned about; I knew they would dry... but spending the entire day in wet socks and shoes?? I don't think so! So, I called my wonderful fiance and he brought me a fresh pair of socks and another pair of shoes to wear. lol I love him!

So, Monday night when I got home from work, I went shopping for rain boots... I was NOT going to let it happen again! I went to Target... they had some rain boots, but they were all out of my size (I have pretty humongous feet... for the longest time they didn't even carry my size! lol). There just happened to be a Payless Shoe Source nearby so I wandered over there. They had ONE PAIR of boots in my size... they are these ugly AE boots that were apparently left over from last season. lol But, they were on sale for 50% off... and I really didn't want wet feet again the following day... so... I bought them. Sometimes you need to go for practicality and price over prettiness... lol


  1. Personally, I think she's cute wearing them...for the simple reason of them being so hideous :) I love my lady!

  2. I think they are kinda cute! Well in an attempt to cheer you up, I left you something on my blog :)

  3. Those boots aren't so least not as bad as having wet feet all day! And I hear you about wearing glasses, I NEVER wear mine except occasionally at night, I would be pretty upset to have to wear mine for a week or so straight too!
