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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Last Wedding of the Year...

... I think!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I had the chance to attend another wedding this last weekend. My fiance's best friend, AJ married his girl on Saturday in a (cold) outdoor ceremony in her aunt's backyard.

Jacob was a groomsman, which was an interesting experience for me, but had it's benefits. I've never been to a wedding before in which a person I was involved with was in the wedding party. It's kind of lonely! Especially when you don't really know anyone else there (except your fiance's ex-girlfriend... but, for some reason, I have a bit of a hard time conversing with her lol). I sat by myself during the wedding (since he was up front after all), and then had to roam around the reception solo off and on while he was doing groomsmanly duties. But, the benefit was that I got some behind the scenes stories shared with me. =)

Apparently the groom somehow misplaced his pants right before the wedding. Not really sure how his pants got separated from the rest of suit, but, well, it happened. His Best Man was also going to wear a suit (the rest of the groomsmen were just in shirts, slacks and ties), but since the groom needed something to cover his CK boxer briefs, the Best Man let him wear his suit. But, you see, here now is the problem... now the best man has no pants!

Thankfully, there were enough male relatives roaming around the house that the best man was able to find an uncle of the bride who had a similar fit and an extra pair of black slacks... so the day was saved! And, while the story was amusing enough, I would have loved to be there to see the hilarity as it unfolded. =)

Now, here are a few photos from the evening... a couple by me, and a couple stolen from the pro's photos (some of which are already up on FB... amazing!)

Check out that smile! So happy to be seeing his to-be-bride!

Jacob and I enjoying the reception (and the open wine bar!)

1 comment:

  1. Those are some great pictures. It really look like you two enjoyed the open bad a lot :)

    Be sure to stop by my blog. I might have a little surprise for you :)
