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Monday, October 19, 2009

Bargain Shopping... and LOTS of Haggling!

I feel soooo much better right now! I've been slightly stressing the last couple of days about my reception venue. It's going to take place in the banquet room of a hotel in a small town on the Oregon coast... because it's a small town they have the small town mentality that "we don't need contracts... our word is good enough". Which is SOOOO not good enough for me! lol After MANY e-mails, a lot of price comparison Internet shopping, and MANY drafts of a proposal/contract between myself and the event coordinator at the hotel, I FINALLY managed to get, sign, and receive a copy of a contract that looks good and legal! lol It includes room rental, possible menus AND a block of hotel rooms at a discounted price. **sigh** I feel about 20 lbs. lighter right now! AND I feel like I got a good deal on everything... and UNDER BUDGET! A full BBQ "picnic" dinner for $10/person! Don't really feel like I can beat that! =)

The wedding showcase I went to this past weekend helped a lot with this process because I was able to see what other options were out there, particularly with catering. Having information on other caterers prices/packages to present and haggle with was VERY helpful in the end.


  1. Yay, what a big weight off your shoulders! Not having a contract would stress me out to no end!

  2. YAY!! Good job haggling! What a relief that you guys were able to draft a contract and get a good deal on everything that you wanted. :)
