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Sunday, November 1, 2009

TWENTY FOLLOWERS!! (And some other stuff!)

My "follower" count has been at 19 for awhile... I've been watching, waiting for number 20... and today it came! lol... Thank you Born to Be Mrs. Beaver! =)

It's kind of funny how the wedding blog community really becomes a community. I have gained so much inspiration and fantastic ideas of the last few months. I have my "favorites" too... those from who I look forward to reading new posts and can't wait to see their recaps in a few short months. So far it's been a fantastic experience... and I still have 9 months (and MANY more blogs, I'm sure!) before my big day! =)

As I was checking out To-Be-Mrs.-Beaver's blog today, I read over her "get to know us" survey and thought I'd fill it out for myself and my fiance (though, I THINK I may have done something similar in the past, so, bear with me!):

1. What are your middle names?

Lynn and Joseph... we are BOTH named after our grandfathers! Go figure =)

2. How long have you been together?
2 years in January

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We met on Craiglist... I think we "chatted" for about 3 or 4 days before we had our first actual date. =)

4. Who asked who out?
I posted a personal... he responded... we "chatted". He was the first one to actually ask to meet me.

5. How old are each of you?
27 (me) and 28 (him) we are 362 days apart. =) We enjoy our "birthday weekends"!

6. Did you go to the same school?
Nope. Though we have found people that we both know from different times in our lives... it's such a small world.

7. Are you from the same home town?
Nope. He grew up in Eastern Oregon, I grew up on the west side =)

8. Who is the smartest?
It really depends on the subject. He is a sciencey/computer guy and I'm the sociological girl.

9. Who majored in what?
He started as a physics major... and then changed to computer science... and then ultimately left the university to get his massage certification! lol When I inquired about the huge leap from science to massage he said that it was "next on his list". =) I have my BA in Criminology and am currently working on my Master's degree in the same.

10. Who is the most sensitive?
I think we are sensitive in our ways... though mine is DEFINITELY more outwardly visible! =)

11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Hmm... we lived in BC together for about a year... though that was only 8 hours from home, it still felt like quite the distance! We went to Honolulu together last spring, and Vegas together the summer before.

12. Who has the worst temper?
Me. And don't really have a temper, but he is a LOT more patient with people/situations than I am.

13. How many children do you want?
I think we are pretty set at two.... We saw a dad pushing a stroller full of triplets the other day and Jacob turned to me and said, "That's not happening... I'll shove one right back in there!" LOL

14. Who does the cooking?
We tend to take turns. Though, I think in the long run I do a little more... but I think that's because I think about food (my aunt's husband mentioned that our family sits down to lunch thinking about what to have for dinner! It's true...) he just eats when he's hungry, so less forethought is put into it and, thus, it's not always the healthiest of meals.

15. Who is more social?
I think I am. I need to be outside with people on a semi daily basis (even if it's just strolling through the neighborhood), while he's perfectly content playing a computer game all afternoon (though, to be fair, he DOES play with other people around the world, so, I guess that's social in it's own way). At the same time though, we are both pretty shy people and have a few CLOSE friends between us.

16. Who is the neat freak?
Neither one of us is particularly neat... but I think we're pretty much the same in this area. Occasionally one of us will get the bug to organize something, and we'll do it.

17. Who is the most stubborn?
I'd say me again. lol

18. Who wakes up earlier?
Probably me... I have to leave the house for work... he works from home, which means he needs exactly 2 minutes to through on some pants and stumble into his office for the day! lol

19. Where was your first date?
Shari's =)

20. Who has the bigger family?
I do... my family is huge with all the extended family members. I have three brothers, my mom has two sisters, and my dad has SEVEN siblings... this adds up to a lot of cousins and aunts and uncles.

21. Do you get flowers often?
No.... in fact, I don't think Jacob has EVER gotten me flowers.... hmmm....

22. How do you spend the holidays?
Usually my family celebrates Thanksgiving on Friday since my dad's work schedule always had him working on Thursdays, so that holiday works out quite well. However, my dad is retired now, so I really have no idea how it's going to play out this year. As for Christmas, it depends on what the situation is. Our families live about 2 hours apart, so it's pretty easy to hit up both households in one day (or between the two) if we can schedule it out right.

23. Who is more jealous?
We are not jealous people (which has kicked me in the ass before, but it's just not who I am).

24. How long did it take to get serious?
We got pretty serious pretty early on (he decided to move to a foreign country with me after knowing me for 4 months!). It made me nervous, but Jacob was so sure that I just went along with it... and now look where we are! =)

25. Who eats more?
He does

26. What do you do for a living?
I am currently a student working on my Master's in Criminology, though I have worked in social services for the past 4 years or so (since getting my BA). Jacob works from home doing database development and other computery stuff for an irrigation company (he also has his massage therapy licenses, but has taken a hiatus from that this past year).

27. Who does the laundry?
Generally it's me. It USE to be that I'd do the laundry and he'd do the dishes... but then we got a dishwasher, so I'm starting to rethink this arrangement =P

28. Who's better with the computer?
Him, hands down. When I'm at work (at my school related internship) and don't know how to do something, I call him for help. lol My supervisor is probably pretty impressed with my "advanced" computer skills! lol

29. Who drives when you are together?
Generally him... he likes it

30. What is your song?
T-Pain's "Low" (the apple bottom jeans song)! lol No... we don't really have "a song", but this one came on the radio EARLY in our relationship and he started dancing around to it in the car. So now, whenever I hear it, I think of him and remember how much I love that goofy side of his! =)


  1. Much congrats on your 20 followers! I know how it feels (as of last week)!
    It's fun to read everyone's facts too. Me and mine have been together 8 plus years, and he gave me one single flower on our very first lunch you're not alone. =)

  2. Flowers are overrated :) And I will have to surprise my honey with the song "Low" during our reception as it's a joke at how much he likes it and I just roll my eyes at him.

    So happy to be your 20th follower! I love finding new blogs to follow and know how it feels when people return the favor to follow's so great knowing you have a community of like minded gals going through the craziness of engagement and wedding plans together. :) Can't wait to read more!

  3. Congratulations. I love finding great blogs!

    How can I not read more? You are a flo-rida girl!!

  4. lol.... Anna, you have me on a COMPLETELY different coast! I'm actually an Ore-gon girl! =)

  5. Ba dum tschh! Not really sure how to type a drum roll thingy! Te hee!
