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Saturday, November 14, 2009

I Love You Jill!!!

In a totally platonic way of course! =)

Jill from Once Upon a Dream posted about her wedding shoes yesterday. She is in a similar situation as I in that we want to wear flats so we don't tower over our guys (yay for tall girls and not so tall guys! lol).

Some of you may remember how excited I was when I found a pair of blue flats and ordered them for my wedding shoes... and then how sad I was when there turned out to be a snafu and they actually weren't in stock in my size. =(

I've been looking for blue flats since then and have had NO luck.

BUT WAIT! Jill posted a link to some flats she found on She didn't end up buying them (going for some super cute pink rocket dogs instead), but guess what... I DID! =)

They aren't *quite* the shade of blue that I'm going for... but I loved them anyway and I think they will work just fine! =)

YAY! =)


  1. YAY!!! I'm so glad you found these! I think they're great for a wedding, and if I hadn't found my pink ladies I probably would have gone with these, too. So many great colors to choose from! They look super comfy, plus you can't beat the price!! So excited for you! Yay for us finding our wedding day shoes!!

    That was a lot of exclamations points, but most certainly deserved!

  2. I love it when you find something you need from a fellow blogger. So fun! I am now in the midst of my search for some gold heels for my reception. I bought a pair of red heels for the wedding day but at the end of the night I am changing into a second reception dress (white with some gold accents) and the red shoes just look plain silly with it. I hadn't thought about needing a second pair of shoes so now a new search begins

  3. These are very cute. And I saw that they come in purple too! I would wear these at the reception so my feetsies don't hurt. =)
