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Monday, February 1, 2010

No Spend

Back in September I read this post from Aubrey over at High Heeled Love. She and her fiance had declared September a "no spend month" in order to catch up on bills. No spending of money on any unnecessary items.

This post has been on my mind since then. I thought it was a great idea but I needed to make it past the holidays in order for it to stand a chance. So, last month I explained the concept to my fiance to find out what he thought... he was completely on board. So, with the exception of two days this month that have already been planned, February will be a no spend month in our household. No going out to dinner, getting fancy coffee beverages or new shoes. Money will only be spend on groceries, bills, gas, etc.

I anticipate this being fairly difficult... especially for me as I work outside the home and am over all more social. (The two days that we have to cheat are both days that *I* have a social event already planned... lol). We'll see how this goes. =)


  1. A month ago, my hours at work got cut down and I joined the millions of people who are "under" employed. I thought it was a complete catastrophe at first. I cut out all extra spending and only spend money on bills, gas and groceries...and it's been eye opening! I had no idea how much money I was spending on nothing. My hours go back up in 2 weeks, but I'm taking my new attitude towards spending money with me. You'll be fine, and you'll be shocked at how much you save!

  2. Good luck with it! I think its a great exercise we should all do.

  3. Patrick and I have tried the "No Spend" thing since the moment he slipped that ring on my finger, but we have such a bad habit of eating out!! I think it has to do with our busy schedules and pure laziness in the kitchen, but I hope to change that soon! Eating out is expensive! The good news is that I haven't bought any (non-wedding) clothes or shoes in quite a while. And that's a big deal for me. Good luck! :)
