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Thursday, February 4, 2010

I'm Being Stalked

My blog is being stalked by someone in my home town and it's kind of creeping me out.

I'm not talking stalked like reading every time something new pops up. I'm talking stalked like checking 4 or 5 times a day... sometimes on an hourly basis! I know it's not different people from my home town because the signal is coming from a specific operating system/Internet combo that is not particularly common... plus, of my friends and family, I know none of them are THAT obsessed with my blog! lol

I originally started tracking my "traffic" because I thought it was kind of cool to see all the foreign locations that people were coming from (countries that I have never even heard of before!). But now I just have this weird feeling like I'm being watched. It's creepy.

(I'm hoping who ever it is sees this and either a) comes clean about it, or b) realizes they are being creepy and knocks it off!)


  1. Yikes! That is crazy! Can you post about how to get a tracker? I'd like to put one on mine just for s&g's.

  2. P.S. Prior to meeting my fiance I was in a pretty dramatic/bad relationship... I'm concerned the stalker is either a) my sociopathic ex- or b) the (one of many) girl that he was cheating with (who stayed with him... go figure). Either way, still extra creepy.

    @Dining Diva.... google "feedjit" that's the one I use. You can also scroll down to the bottom of my blog and click on it...

  3. Maybe its your parents??????? Either way hopefully it stopped ;)
