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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mail Call!

I was home for TWO HOURS today before I realized that we got THREE packages in the mail!

Ate dinner, watched some TV, then wandered into the office to check my e-mail... and there, on our futon were three boxes. Jacob said, "oh yeah... we got those today".

"oh yeah"??!! lol... gawd... being the nerd that I am I was so excited! We got both the business cards I received for hosting a Uprinting giveaway (business cards for my cousin who is going to be our DOC) and the poster printer I won from Shooting for a $3,000 Wedding (it looks FANTASTIC). But I wasn't really sure what the third package was... I couldn't remember what else I'd ordered. lol

Turned out the third package was the best one! I GOT MY PAPER! =) I'm a nerd, yes I am, but I was so excited about it. Paper for invitations and programs. Woo hoo! Now I have 2.5 months to actually put the invites together... I've already told some family and friends that they can expected invitations to a "paper assembly party" soon. *wink*

P.S. Here is the photo we decided to enlarge; which is now on our living room wall:


  1. I love getting such packages! Especially when I forget what I've ordered! :) I was totally giddy when our pocketfolds arrived

  2. Fun! I just won a poster print giveaway, too, and am hosting one on my blog. I can’t wait until we get ours! Love the picture you chose for yours.

  3. YAY that is so exciting!! I love getting packages! Do you read weddingbee? There is a cute sand dollar icon now and I thought of you! Maybe you should apply to be Miss Sand Dollar! :)
