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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thankful for the Frat!

I never in my life thought that I would be thankful for a fraternity. Frats have a beer-guzzling, date-raping, academically-challenged stereotype... I would have never put "frat" and "wedding" in the same sentence... until tonight.

Jacob's frat brother has offered to cater our wedding! What this means is a PLATED, multi-course dinner for less than $10 per person! AND on top of that, there is an offer that perhaps the new pledges can be our wait staff FREE OF CHARGE.

We met with frat-brother-caterer Ethan tonight to talk about some details. We pretty much told him that we weren't picky and to come up with some home-cooked-style menu options. So, he's going to put together some menus and schedule a tasting with us in the upcoming weeks. =D I'm sooo happy! Now I just have to figure out the logistics with the hotel. We're allowed to cater the event ourselves (I have that in writing), but I'm not sure what kind of facilities we'll be able to use, so, that may be a bit tricky... but a plated dinner for less than the hotel's buffet is definitely worth a little extra effort on my part!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! That's very nice of him to offer his services at such a great price!

    BTW, love the new blog design!
