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Thursday, August 13, 2009

SEXY Bridesmaids!

So I just subscribed to The Budget Bride Handbook and was reading through some of their recent posts. One was for inexpensive bridesmaid's dresses on sale at Butter By Nadia. So, I took a look... and found THIS winner! lol

Now Ladies, tell me, would ANY of you put your bridesmaids in a dress that looked like THIS? lol

And, for my bridesmaids, what do you say? Wanna live on the wild side? ;)


  1. um yeah... i'll tell you know, i wouldn't be able to pull that off... lol. even if i stopped eating and started working out full time. in fact, i think i'd pick those bubble dresses over this one... lol

  2. Oh dear~it's

  3. I don't even think I would walk outta the house with that on even in these dog days of summer. If someone showed up to my wedding wearing that I think my future father in-law would have a heart attack LOL {he's a pastor}

  4. Fun thing is, there was another one that was even MORE revealing! lol

  5. If you want a stuffed sausage standing up at your wedding, feel FREE to put me in that! ;) And if I hear that phrase "You can wear it again after the wedding!" I'll laugh so hard the seems will surely bust!

  6. Chrissie... yes... the description does call it a top... however it is in the "bridemaids' dress" section AND the description says "SHOW SOME LEG OR wear with jeans"...
