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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Changing My Name

When my mother got married she kept her maiden name as her middle name. I have a cousin whose husband took HER last name. It was really never a question for me if I would take my husband's last name, I always just assumed that I would (unless the last name was REALLY weird!). Fortunately Jacob's last name is pretty normal (Corey) so I lucked out. However, the question now stands of whether I want to "honor" my maiden name by retaining it in some way.

My MOH sent me a HUGE box of books when I broke my engagement news to her. One of the books had suggestions on how to incorporate the bride's former last name into the new one.

For example, the book suggested (as my mother did) using the maiden name as the new middle name. However, when I say this out loud I just don't like how it sounds. I like my middle name and I think I want to keep it.

Another suggestion was to hyphenate the two last names. I don't like this one. I want my name to show some kind of unity with my husband. I don't want to have two "different" last names.

The next suggestion was for both the bride AND the groom to change their name to a combo of the two last names. This one intrigued me a bit. ;) A year from now we could be the Boreys, or, we could get a bit of a hip-hop inflection going and be the Boy'eys! lol

Another combo idea I came up with was to take the first three letters of Jacob's last name (Cor) and the last three of mine (Yer). If you flip my three around, put it after Jacob's and combine the two "r"s, you get "Corey".... lol... I think I may just go with that! =)

What do you guys think? Is it a jab at your family and "where you came from" to just DROP your maiden name when you get married?

1 comment:

  1. I kept my middle name because I liked it and took David's last name. I know where I came from and still honor my family, so I don't see the need to have my maiden name as a legal part of my name.
