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Monday, January 4, 2010


Bee, over at BP Wedding, honored me this morning as one of ten wedding blogs that makes her happy. =) Go me! lol

The conditions of accepting this award are that I must (1) Tell you all 10 things that make me happy, and then (2) name ten bloggers who, in turn, make me happy. Let's see if I can do this!

My Ten Happy Things

I just want to preface by saying that these are in no particular order... only the order in which they come to me! =)

1) Jacob. I have written the "why" for this about six times so far and keep deleting it. It's simple... I love him and I can't wait to create a life together with him.

2) My parents. They raised four kids and I think they did a pretty good job instilling strong values and morals. They have been great role models for me in every aspect of my life. From a wedding and marriage standpoint, they have been together for 29 years... not too many people can say that these days.

3) My brothers. I have three of them... all younger... all with very interesting sense of humors. I am forever laughing when I am with them.

4) My cat. He's a big goober but I love that he sleeps at my feet and is always happy to see me when I come home from work. Plus, I love watching him and Jacob chase each other around the house! lol

5) The beach. My solitude place. I go to the beach and a sudden calm and peacefulness sweeps over me. When I was in high school I use to go sit on the bleachers at the school, close my eyes, and listen to the traffic of the nearby road visualizing the waves crashing against the shore line. I still do this sometimes when I'm sitting at home with the windows open and hear the freeway next door (literally).

6) My job. I am FINALLY doing something that I feel completely suits me. I've been in the generally area for a few years now but was never sure exactly which route I wanted to take. Granted, I have only been at my new job for about a month, but already I am feeling whole.

7) My apartment. Dishwasher AND a washer and dryer IN THE UNIT within walking distance of the light rail that takes me to work in the morning... and, I have a big blue wall! What's not to love?? lol

8) My girlfriends. I have never been the type of person who has a LOT of friends, but rather a few close friends. And, all through school my friends were primarily guys (specifically the guys I dated and their friends). It has really only been in recent years that I've been able to expand my friend circle and cultivate strong bonds with some fantastic females. Plus, I am pretty lucky to still be in contact with some of my best friends from high school (even though life has taken them all around the world!).

9) Airplanes. I LOVE to travel. If I don't get on a plane once every six months or so I start to get a little antsy... which is going to make the next 8 months pretty painful! Jacob and I went to Hawaii in April/May last year, but, with the wedding and honeymoon we have decided that we really can't afford another vacation until then.... which is this September!! So, I'm going to go 16 months without being on an airplane!! I hope I can handle it!

10) Life. I really am just, generally, very happy these days. Things are going fantastic for me. I have a wonderful fiance, a good job that I care about, and I'm only months away from completing my masters degree (I may get a little less happy as thesis deadlines/defenses approach! lol). I don't really think I could ask for anything else.

Now... the 10 blogs (11 really) that make me happy are (I've tried to name a few that I haven't named in the past... and steering away from wedding blogs as I've been branching out a bit recently):

Cupcake Wedding
Misadventures of Newlywed
Overheard in PDX
Peony :: Love
Random Reflections of a Perfectionist
Temple of Groom
The Thirty Something Bride
Groom Wedding Planning Blog
My Parents Were Awesome