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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day One Kicked My Ass

I'm a fan of the Biggest Loser (though, I tend to find myself watching it while on the couch with a bowl of ice cream) and I've heard good things in bloggerland about Jillian's "30 Day Shred"... so... I got myself a copy, put on a t-shirt and some pj pants and decided to give it a try.

It kicked my ass. I think it kicked my ass more in 20 minutes than any hour long class at the gym ever has. It kicked my ass so hard that I laid down on my bed directly afterwords and COULDN'T make myself get up to take a shower for another 20 minutes or more. AND THEN when I did finally manage to get in the shower, it took EVERYTHING I had to hold my arms above my head long enough to wash my hair.

I am very out of shape and know that I need to start taking better care of myself (especially since, in my late 20s, my metabolism isn't what it use to be when I was 17 *sigh*). I was going to wait until after Valentine's Day to start the "Must Look Good in My Wedding Dress" regiment since that will be the 6-month mark, however, I made the mistake of stepping on the scale at work (what kind of OFFICE job puts a scale in the bathroom? Talk about poor morale! lol) and realized that I was THE HEAVIEST I have ever been my entire life. This is NOT ok.

I don't see myself as an overweight person. I still love to get out and do things. I love to hike, kayak, bike and just generally enjoy nature. But, unfortunately, I also love chocolate, pizza and french fries... which makes me "overweight" in the eyes of the medical community. So, with that knowledge I've been watching my diet for the last couple of weeks and am now going to complete the 30-Day Shred. I went out and bought myself a weight loss journal (which helped me lose about 30 pounds a few years back) and, while we were out, we got another set of hand weights so that Jacob and do the shred with me. =)

Tomorrow evening you can probably find us both flat on our backs on the living room floor huffing and puffing and unable to make our muscles function. =) Good times! lol


  1. I've done the 30 day Shred and it does work though after the first day I was sore for 3 days!!! It does get easier though. I need to start up with it again though since I'm about 4 1/2 months out from the wedding. Good luck!

  2. Haha, don't fear...the first day is the worst for sure! Justin and I were about ready to cry when we showered afterwards...I didn't want to reach up to shampoo my hair! I am sure that the amount of weight you use is part of the reason. I use 5lb weights and Justin uses 10...I kind of wish I had 3lb ones the first day we did it, because my arms weren't ready for 5 lbs! But, after a few days you get used to it, and it doesn't hurt nearly as bad...

  3. I hear you! It’s hard in the beginning, but stick with it. You can do it!

  4. I love the 30 day shred! After my first time I couldn't move my arms for three days!

  5. Oh my goodness, 30 day shred kills me. KILLS ME. There is a move on Level 2 that makes me want to die no matter how much strength I build up! I really love No More Trouble Zones, I think the ab workout is much better; give it a shot if 30 day shred gets old.

  6. I have a copy of Jillian's 30 Day Shred but have yet to crack it open. I guess I'm a little scared of Jillian. haha. But I plan on trying it out soon. I've heard so many great things about it from so many people.

    p.s. I left something for you on my blog. :)

  7. It takes so much effort to get started on this path! We started a month or so before xmas and haven't done a thing since we've been here. Will jump back on that wagon asap when we return to Vancouver. I bought the Buff Brides book and have enjoyed it thus far. Good luck with it!
