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Saturday, June 5, 2010


Nope... not running to the court house, but rather standing in front of my "Examining Committee", presenting my final paper, and hopefully completing the requirements of my Masters degree!

I'll be driving up to Vancouver, BC tomorrow and present on Monday afternoon. I am SOO ready to be done with this! I have pretty much been working on this paper for the last year and, quite honestly, I am really tired of it! lol I submitted my paper back in February and since that time have been going through edits and playing the waiting game... but now the time has (almost) come... and boy am I ready!

If any of you Vancouverites read this and want to meet up for dinner or a drink to calm my nerves tomorrow night, shoot me an e-mail! =)

1 comment:

  1. I had to pick a new winner for my DesignerApparel giveaway and you won! So, if you could please email within the next 48 hours with you mailing address, I'll send the information to the sponsor. Thanks!

    - Ashley

    navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com
