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Friday, December 4, 2009

Say YES to the Dress!

I just watched about 2.5 hours of a "Say Yes to the Dress" marathon on TLC (I made Jacob change the channel before I kept going!) and I have to say, I love my dress more than ANY of the others that I saw on the show... I wanna put it back on! lol

P.S. I'm in Vancouver, BC right now.... here's a shout out to all you BC brides. I'm loving the sunshine up here right now! =)


  1. I wanna put my dress on, too!! It's hanging right by my bathroom, so I see it everyday telling me to take her out of the bag and slip her on. the only things that's keeping me from actually doing it is that I wouldn't be able to put in on by myself.

  2. I am with ya Jillreigh...I couldn't get mine on by myself either :) I am a SYTTD addict :)

  3. Yeah.... me either.... even if I had it in my possession I'd need help wrangling myself into the thing... lol

  4. Watching that show makes me love my dress even more especially since it cost WAY less than those dresses on the show.
