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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Long Time No See

It's been about a week since I've posted anything... and it's been one CRAZY week! I've been so busy at work and then either too exhausted to even think in the evening or had plans of some sort. Not much new in the wedding planning world.

Jacob and I got the chance to go see Cirque du Soleil's Kooza on Thursday thanks to tickets that were donated to my agency. It was SPECTACULAR! I've never seen a Cirque before so I wasn't sure what to expect--it was absolutely awesome!

Last night Jacob and I had our first dance class! We decided to take a swing dancing class through the local community college this term. We aren't doing it specifically for the wedding... Jacob and I have been talking about taking a dance class for months. We decided to just go for it! I think we're going to have a good time for the next 8 weeks. =) It helps that our female instructor is cute... I don't think I'll have to convince Jacob to go every week! lol

I ordered a bunch of stuff online this week... I'll say more when everything finally gets here! =)


  1. I saw Kooza too! It was soooo good! Swing dancing lessons are a great idea. You guys will have so much fun! I need to talk my fiance into taking dancing lessons!

    PS I am enjoying following your blog and would love if you could follow mine too. I am a brand new blogger.

  2. I wanted to sign us up for swing lessons through PCC! Is that where you guys are going? I'm jealous....

  3. That’s awesome about the class! We did our first one today, too, and I am so excited to share pictures soon!

  4. I saw Kooza last summer and I absolutely LOVED it! :)
