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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Best Man Speech

Does your best man need a little help with his speech? Perhaps he can give the "Best Man Speech Generator" a shot! lol I tried it in place of Jacob's best man and this is what I got (not exactly perfect, but humorous in the least!):

I met Jacob when we were 24. Right away, I knew he was a Kind kid and the perfect friend for me. He was always a hit with the ladies even at the young age of 24. I remember his best line was "For fingers like yours I would run the biggest CD. Then along came Brittney and everything changed. It takes a fast girl to tame the rabbit that is Jacob. I remember they met at Eugene and within the space of 14 shots he was wearing her night gown and she had laughed all over his car. Ladies and gentlemen I ask you to raise your glasses for Brittney and Jacob. May they live sweetly ever after and have loyal babies.


  1. This is funny. It reminds me of the mad lib's I did in school. It is a great idea to get the ideas flowing though.

  2. Our best man's speech was awesome. It made me laugh and cry at the same time. BTW almost a month until your big day... you must be so excited!

  3. LOL! A "mad libs" speech! Our best man's speech was short and sincere. We loved it.

  4. Loyal babies are important. It's so difficult when they turn on you. ;)
